In 2020... there's an approximately 17 step process to build the average suburban home


For as mysterious as the process of building a house may seem from the outside, it's actually a very straight-forward process that has been mastered to proliferate en masse through the suburban neighbourhoods of North America.

  1. Apply and receive permits

  2. Grading and site preparation

  3. Foundation

  4. Framing

  5. Roofing

  6. Installing windows and doors

  7. Siding

  8. Electrical

  9. Plumbing

  10. HVAC (heating, ventilation, air control) and duct work

  11. Insulation

  12. Drywall

  13. Painting and trim (trim is purely decorative around the edges of a room/ windows)

  14. Cabinets and counters